Implied eroticism that is encoded in such a site. The relative adjustment of the
'heterosexual matrix' which sees an increasing legitimation of a gender-sexualitysystem where the trajectory of sexual or alluring desire is allowed to expandto either sex (so long as it's an ostensible, coherent gender) destabilizes thenon-sexuality of the website. Where the gender exclusiveness CAn't be under-stood to guard against the presence of want as homoerotic want, and where thepotential fall of homosociality with homosexuality is increasingly billed,understood as alone non sexual forms of pleasurable action.Nevertheless, the uncertainty between the framework of the communal showers andthat of the sexual is normally understood by participants. Specific rites arein place to stop the homosociality of communal nakedness sliding into homo-sexuality. As Janene Hancock recently points out, these rituals are practised inthe sorts of 'appropriate' dialog:to women, the semantics used are not always complimentary. They discuss issues such as their

sexual conquests, their prowess at picking-up, taking out and 'screwing' the girls they meet,as well as fairly frequently-lurid details concerning their sexual exploits. . . . Locker room conversa-tion is about making guys feel positive about themselves, solidifying their maleness andrejecting any understanding that they may belong to the marginalised masculinity of homosexuals orpoofters. It's a kind of bonding between guys, reinforcing their relationship with each other-- verbally more than physically.Among men, statements of homophobia, dialogues about women and theways in which the gaze is performed as a non-sexual looking shield thecommunal nakedness of men from signifying nakedness-as-sexual. Likewise,among women there are particular codes of behaviour that discontinue the nakedness incommunal showers from stealing into the sexual. I'm reliably informed thatwomen in such a website will frequently either have a conversation that avoids drawingCozy, stay perfectly silent. These also are special ritualistic codeswhich prevent the nakedness/gaze duality from being understood as having asexual element, no matter the ways in which such nakedness/gazing mightbe involved in actions of policing the physical.So what, lately, has been occurring to the site of the communal shower asBased on a 1996 New York Times article, showering afterPhysical education course by secondary school males is not only on the decline but has nowbecome a signicant rarity (Johnson, 1996). Although the writer speculates thatthis decline intersects with issues of modesty and expectancies of body image andtness, he also points to an erotic element:... some health and physical education experts state that many pupils withdraw [frompost-exercise showering] precisely due to the overload of erotic images -- so many totallytoned bodies cannot help but leave ordinary mortals feeling a bit inadequate. (Johnson, 1996)Advertisements, joined with the collapse of 'compulsory heterosexuality' and theheterosexual matrix raises the fear that communal nakedness among boys willbe gazed upon in sexual or sexualized ways that have formerly been shieldedparticipants in the showers are heterosexual and can therefore merely perform asexual gazing at another sex. This 'ethnic concern' is augmented further asthe stereotype of gay men as non-sporting is increasingly discredited.trates this recent ethnic matter over shower-space nudity increasingly coupledwith sexual or sensual sorts of gazing. While portrayals of naked women in lmhave been common and cannot easily be separated from a desire for erotic gazingThe Nude Subjectby a phallocentric lm industry, the depiction of naked men in lm is by nomeans recent. As early as the 1925 production of Ben-Hur, male frontal nuditywas shown on-screen and, despite the prohibition on nudity through the intervention ofthe Motion Picture Association of America Production Code between 1934 and1968 (Russo, 1981: 121--2), a spate of popular lms from the 1970s onwardsdepicted male nudity -- Born to Win (1971), The Blue Lagoon (1980), Ace Ventura