Beverly B. Price of the America Association for Nude Recreation Fires Bill Schroer:
In addition, earlier this season, the America associationFor Bare diversion had hiredBill Schroer to fill the executive director position, following the resignation of Jim Smock.Dare I say that I was even excited by this news.While I've never met Bill Schroer personally, I 've been corresponding with him via e-mail and over the telephone for the last 3 - 4 years. Like me, Bill comes from your online marketing and tech world so I understood he would be a vital asset if AANR was hoping to push their plan (you can read about what they're all about here: Nudist Organizations) and turn itself around. Eventually a someone who understands the net and the value it provides!Earlier this week I e-mailed Bill at random. I simply wanted to see how he was doing and to see if I could be of any service or help. It came an entire surprise and shock when he mentioned the America Association for Nude Recreation had decided to terminate his employment.I couldn't believe it!

Bill has been a vocal and positive advocate and I just could not wrap my head around this recent move by AANR.Bill Schroer - Former Executive Director Of AANRThen I saw the the SCNA newsletter which offered even more upsetting facts relating to this dilemma.In their newsletter they said:"He [Bill Schroer] was very popular with the membership, and he seemed eagerto hear suggestions from everyone on the best way to make AANRmore relevant in a rapidly changing technological world.It therefore came as a shock to learn through the Twitter grapevine that Bev Price, the newly-elected AANR President seemingly walked into his office one day in mid-October andtold Bill he was no longer working for the America Association for Nude Recreation.Sources said Bill told them he was quite surprised, as there had been no prior warning. Based on the AANR By Laws, the President cannot hire or fire the Executive Director, merely the14 Board of Trustees may do that. At least some of the Boardmembers have admitted they had no idea this was coming.Word of the firing rippled across the AANR clubs at the speedof Twitter, with "WTF" being the most courteous reaction to whatappears to be an extremely unpopular conclusion. The only thing the Kissimmee main office will say is: "BillSchroer is no longer employed by AANR. We wish him well.Schroer had only been on the job since May. He was AANR'sthird Executive Director in three years."For the record, I'm no longer a member of the America Association for Nude Recreation. But I know that many of the FKK followers and members are. Therefore I encourage one to e-mail them and express your concerns about the way they handled this problem.If you'd like to see the America Association for Nude Recreation triumph then you may want to also rant about the fact which they just fired among the most qualified executives they could have ever expected to have.Beverly B. Price - Lately Elected President of AANRYou are able to email AANR straight at: [e-mail protected] (please note that this is their primary email address and that you may need certainly to email them a few time so that you can get any answer - that was our experience at least).This post about AANR andBill Schroer was composed by Jordan Blum and was released by Young Naturists and Nudists America FKKLabels: AANR, organizationsCategory: Naked News, Naturism and Naturism, Nudist Organizations, Social Nudity BlogsAbout the Writer (Author Profile)Jordan Blum is a lifelong nudie and cofounder of Naturist Portal.