Nudists Talking About Sex -

Nudists Talking About Sex..It's true! Nudists have sex I Have had sex. I understand, I know- That is horrible, huh? Well, it gets worse: I enjoyed it.

Okay, so I'm probably exaggerating a bit about how extremely horrid some people, namely nudists, think it's to have sex or to discuss sex. Within the FKK nudist organization, sex is a issue that is allowed and ordinary.

Nudists Talking About Sex.. Nudists Really Do Have Sex?

Discussing sex among nudists beyond FKK. Well, I'dn't recommend it. Why? That's the question: why?

Since we're all here walking this world, there is reason to believe that we were all born.

Undoubtedly, the results of sex could be great or terrible depending on how the offspring turn out.

Beyond the consequences of sex, I believe we can all agree that experiencing sex is fairly common in America.

Though I could find no specific data for nudists, we can presume this amount is similar among the adult naturist population: it does stand to reason that nudists have sex just as the rest of the citizenry does, right? Which again begs the question of why naturists believe they can not talk about sex.

It's clearly not some insane and novel act which should be taboo. Truly, if you consider it, if just 4% of adults are virgins, it would make more sense that being a virgin be not talked about since it's so unusual within our culture.

Fkk Portal is a group that's different from the rest of the naturist culture. Within FKK, we can discuss sex- and we do talk about sex! We even had an occasion held at the Museum of Sex which, though I did not personally attend it, I've heard was great fun and had wonderful chocolates.

FKK folks talk about everything, really, including menstruation, saving the planet, internet pornography and just about any other subject that might be on the minds of young nudists.

And that, my friends, is why I love FKK: not only is it all about the love, it is also all about real life and real people.

Naturist BlogsBy Melissa

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Tags: sexuality

About the Writer (Author Profile)

36 year old fkk from Catskill, NY. Love life, hiking, climbing trees, writing, and helping folks. Been a naturist since the age of 28 and found it to be a life changing way of living.

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